

High Carrier Mobility up to 1.4 cm2·V-1·s-1in Non-Peripheral Octahexyl Phthalocyanine
Yasuo Miyake, Youyu Shiraiwa, Keizo Okada, Hirosato Monobe, Tetsuro Hori, Naoyuki Yamasaki, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Michael J. Cook, Akihiko Fujii, Masanori Ozaki, and Yo Shimizu
Appl. Phys. Express 4 (2011) 021604 (3 pages)

The carrier mobility of octahexylphthalocyanine (C6PcH2) in the crystal phase (the hexagonal disordered columnar (Colhd) mesophase) was found to be strong negative temperature dependent for the hole mobility: a maximum drift mobility of 1.4 cm2·V-1·s-1 at -15 °C and smaller T dependent and a maximum mobility of 0.5 cm2·V-1·s-1 for the electrons.