

Subnanometric near-field Raman investigation in the vicinity of a metallic nanostructure Ichimura T, Fujii S, Verma P, Yano T, Inouye Y, Kawata S

Physical Review Letters, 102, 186101 (2009)

We realized near-field Raman microscopy with an accuracy of better than a few angstroms. The tip-sample distance is precisely controlled by our newly developed time-gated illumination technique. We have profiled the spatial decay of evanescent light on an isolated carbon nanotube. We also investigated extremely short-ranged chemical and mechanical interactions between the metal on the tip apex and the molecules of an adenine sample, which are observable only within the subnanometric vicinity of the tip. Present result shows strong promise for super high resolution in optical microscopy based on this technique.

The sinusoidal oscillation of the tip and the synchronized opening of the time gate for laser illumination are illustrated.
(a) Raman spectra of an isolated SWNT at four different indicated tip-sample distances. (b) A plot of integrated Raman intensity of the G-band versus the tip-sample distance d. The solid curve represents a profile obtained from FDTD simulation.
For 1D scan of an isolated SWNT along a direction perpendicular to its axis, the TERS intensity increases when the tip is exactly above the SWNT, depicting a spatial resolution of 3 nm.