

Fabrication of low-curvature 2 in. GaN wafers by Na-flux coalescence growth technique
Mamoru Imade, Masayuki Imanishi, Yuma Todoroki, Hiroki Imabayashi, Daisuke Matsuo, Kosuke Murakami, Hideo Takazawa, Akira Kitamoto, Mihoko Maruyama, Masashi Yoshimura, and Yusuke Mori
Applied Physics Express 7, 035503 (2014)

Low-curvature and large-diameter GaN wafers are in high demand for the development of GaN-based electronic devices. Recently, we have proposed the coalescence growth of GaN by the Na-flux method and demonstrated the possibility of enlarging the diameter of high-quality GaN crystals. In the present study, 2 in. GaN wafers with a radius of curvature larger than 100m were successfully produced by the Na-flux coalescence growth technique. FWHMs of the 002 and 102 GaN X-ray rocking curves were below 30.6 arcsec, and the dislocation density was less than the order of 102cm-2 for the entire area of the wafer.

Schematic view of MPS-GaN sub. and experimental setup. (a) The multipoint-seed GaN substrate was produced by patterning a GaN template. The solution was stirred using the motion shown in the illustration. (b) Schematic illustration of point seed arrangement.
Dependence of peak top angle of XRC on measurement point. The inverse of the slope of a line represents the radius of lattice curvature. The solid circles, open circles, and solid squares represent the shift in XRC peak top angle of the GaN template, MPS-GaN sub., and coalesced GaN crystal after separation from the sapphire substrate, respectively.