

Nanomovement of Azo Polymers Induced by Longitudinal Fields
Hidekazu Ishitobi, Issei Nakamura, Taka-aki Kobayashi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Zouheir Sekkat, Satoshi Kawata, and Yasushi Inouye
ACS Photonics 2014, 1, 190−197

For super-resolution microscopy, the authors developed a new strategy to realize a probe with a nonlinear fluorescence response, a stepwise two-photon absorption scheme, by using photoinduced charge separation; the first photon for the generation of the charge-separated state and the second photon for fluorescence excitation. Transient absorption spectra studies and simulation indicate that fluorescence is emitted through the photophysical pathways they proposed. Fluorescence imaging of biological cells showed marked improvements in image contrast and resolution, demonstrating the usefulness of the fluorescent probe in laser scanning confocal microscopy.

AFM images of the surface deformation induced by Ez in the (a) 24 nm and (b) 40 nm thick films with 460 nm light irradiation.