第7回フォトニクス セミナーのご案内
下記の通り、第7回フォトニクス セミナーを開催いたしますので、奮ってご参加ください。
日 時:令和元年11月20日(水)13時30分より
場 所:フォトニクスセンター 2階 213号室
テーマ:“Optics and Photonics in Morocco: Recent Research Activities and Future Prospects”
講 師:Prof. Zouheir Sekkat
所 属:Moroccan Foundation of Advanced Science, Innovation and Research (MAScIR)
概 要::I will discuss our recent research activities in Morocco in the field of photonics, including thin films photovoltaics, and two-photon micro-nanofabrication, and plasmonic enhanced photochemistry, and plasmonic coupling in metals and dielectrics, leading to sharp resonances, such as metal-insulator-metal and Fano resonances, with applications in bio- and photochemical sensing. Future prospects of research in optics and photonics will also be discussed.