

Full-Color Subwavelength Printing with Gap-Plasmonic Optical Antennas
Masashi Miyata, Hideaki Hatada, and Junichi Takahara
Nano Lett., 2016, 16, 3166−3172

We have demonstrated an intuitive and general design approach based on individual gap-plasmonic antennas to create full-color printed images and letters with a resolution of the diffraction limit of light. Individual antenna properties that exhibit strong light absorption at two distinct frequencies could be encoded into single subwavelength-pixels, enabling saturated color generation in reflection at the diffraction limit. A black color could also be created by mixing differently sized antennas into a single pixel to achieve strong absorption over the whole visible light range. The suitability of these color pixels for subwavelength printing applications was demonstrated by showing microscopic letters in color, the incident polarization and angle insensitivity, and color durability. We believe that the proposed design strategy provides a general platform for the practical utilization of subwavelength-scale plasmonic colors.

Optical properties of an individual aluminum nanodisk placed on a metallic back reflector. (a) Schematic of the top view (left) and the cross-section (right) of an aluminum nanodisk placed on an aluminum oxide-coated aluminum film. (b) Simulated absorption map of individual aluminum nanodisks (not periodic) with different nanodisk diameters. (c) Electric field distributions near the nanodisk (d = 160 nm) illuminated at wavelengths of 370 nm (left) and 815 nm (right). The electric field is normalized to the incident field |Eo|.