Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development

In photonics, new fields, even in basic science and technology, and fusion fields are born and developed day by day. Human resource development is one of the major missions of the Photonics Center. Through a variety of education programs, we produce a human resources who can internationally bear the next generation photonics science/technology and industry with the technology, knowledge and ideas that do not caught in single discipline.
By releasing a large number of degree holders and postdoctoral researchers who respond to the needs of the industry, we will build a system that will revamp the career path of degree holders in collaboration with industry. 
As seen in the example of Photonics 21 of the EU Photonics Consortium, its driving force is venture, small and medium enterprises (SME), and entrepreneurs and it is important to train entrepreneurial spirit in human resource development. At this center, we strive to improve entrepreneurship through various opportunities.