Osaka University School/Graduate School of Engineering
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Satoshi Kawata
OSA/SPIE student chapter
Stanford Photonics Center (SPRC)
University of Southampton ORC
Max Planck Institute Erlangen
CAS Tech Inst Phys & Chem, Beijing
ITRC, Taiwan
Osaka Photonics Initiative
AIST-Osaka University Advanced Photonics and Biosensing Open Innovation Laboratory
AIST-Osaka University Advanced Photonics and Biosensing Open Innovation Laboratory
National Institute of Specific Research and Development ・ National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) has established 10 open innovation laboratories nationwide within the university and is developing a project to promote basic research with purpose. AIST ・ Osaka Univ. Advanced Photonics ・ Bio Sensing Open Innovation Laboratory (PBO) is based in Osaka University Photonics Center as one of them, and is a fundamental research integration of AIST's biodevice technology and the photonics technology of Osaka University Photonics Center and promote the bridging business. Looking at cells in a living state, seeing with cell chips, advancing IoT in the biotechnology field are three targets of the mission. Companies can increase the opportunities to collaborate, such as collaborative research and matching, sharing information for innovation.